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Hawaiian Macadamia Nuts

The Big Island of Hawaii is where all Hawaiian macadamia nuts are grown, harvested and processed. The island has more than 15 acres of land where these nutritious nuts are grown, allowed to ripen on the trees and hand- picked when they fall from the month of September through early spring. The growers of the nuts have formed an association known as the Hawaii Macadamia Nut Association solely to oversee and promote the growth of the finest Hawaiian macadamia nuts. They generate funds to educate the members and also to further research pertaining to the nuts. The association’s research and dedication has yielded to the hundreds of farms where the nuts are grown, with thousands of workers employed to work...

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Hawaiian Flower Leis

One of the pleasures of visiting Hawaii is the gift of a flower lei upon your arrival. But Hawaiian flower leis are not just for tourists. They are an important part of the rich Hawaiian culture. Flower Leis were originally created by the Polynesians and spread throughout the Pacific with the Polynesian culture as intrepid explorers sailed throughout the region. Hawaiian Leis are usually made of natural materials such as flowers, leaves, seeds and ferns. Other types of leis are fashioned with shells, bones, or feathers. In Hawaiian culture, leis are used for personal adornment or as gifts marking a special occasion such as a birthday or graduation or as a mark of affection. Historically, Hawaiian chiefs created a special...

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